Championship Series Rules and Regulations 2023
Fighting Durations
- Each round will last for one and a half minutes.
- The final round will last for two minutes.
- If both fighters have equal points at the end of time, then an extra thirty seconds will be added.
- If at the end of those thirty seconds both fighters still have equal points the winner will be decided by sudden death, which means the winner is the first fighter to score the point (two referees must agree the same point to score).
If a competitor fails to show after their name has been called three times they will have two minutes to get to their area fully dressed with the correct safety equipment.
Points fighting
Legal Scoring Techniques
- 1 Point – Hand technique to the body. (including ridge hand and back fist)
- 1 Point – Hand technique to the front, side or back of the head.
- 1 Point – Hand technique to the face (with control)
- 1 Point – Sweep. (Hands and body must not touch floor).
- 1 Point – Foot technique to the body
- 2 Points – Foot technique to the front, side or back of the head.
- 2 Points – Foot technique to the face (with control).
- 2 Points – Jumping foot technique to the body.
- 3 Points – Jumping foot technique to the front, side or back of the head.
Points for jumping techniques will only be awarded if both feet leave and return to the floor without the hands touching the floor.
Illegal Techniques
- No scoring and dropping to the floor
- No scoring and stepping out of the area (Additional time may also be added between 10 and 20 seconds)
- No scoring to the top of the head
- No scoring to the back
- No strikes to the neck or shoulders
- No strikes to joints or below the belt
- No grabbing.
- No dropping, time wasting or refusing to fight deliberately (Additional time may also be added between 10 and 20 seconds)
- No elbow strikes, hook punches, uppercuts, hammerfist and spinning backfists.
- No excessive contact (as deemed by referee on the appropriate area)
Excessive contact may result in being instantly disqualified.
Points Fighting Equipment
Closed fringed non weighted gloves
Full covered solid head guard
Shin pads
Boots (must cover the complete foot and heal)
Gum shield
Groin guard (optional for girls only)
Chest protector (optional)
All equipment well-fitting and in good condition)
Picture of all appropriate equipment is available to view in the download area of our website.
Exiting the Area
If a fighter should exit the area they will be deducted one point on the third exit and one point for every exit thereafter. (Unless a fighter is kicked, punched or pushed out of the area). Extra time may be also added minimum 10 seconds and maximum 20 seconds if time is added on twice or more – 1 points as well as the extra time.
Scoring Rules
Scoring rules are majority rules. (Two or more referees must score the same point for the point to be awarded.)
If two or more referees score the same technique, but different scoring zones, the lowest point will be awarded.
The winner will be the fighter with the most points at the end of time. There is no maximum score.
The centre referee on the appropriate area has control. If you have any disagreement with the referee on your area, then the head referee will make the final decision.
Round Robin
If a category should be drawn with only three persons in it then there will be a round robin. Each fighter will fight both of the other fighters. The fighter with the most wins will be declared the winner. If the fighters should have equal wins then the fighter with the most overall scored points will be declared the winner. If two fighters both have equal points then they will fight off for first and second place.
All will be split into age and Beginners under 12 months / Intermediate 1 – 3 years / Advanced 3 years plus
(Excluding any time in pre school that does not include sparring or sparring drills and under 5 years of age)
All categories must have at least 3 competitors in or it may be merged with the next nearest category. Also if any of the categories are larger than expected they may be spilt into two or more additional categories. All categories merging are at the discretion of the organiser. (These will be split into male and female and closest height / weight were possible)
Light Continuous
Same as points plus controlled hook punches and uppercuts.
Kicks and punches must flow continuously throughout the fight.
Legal Scoring Techniques and Fighting Durations
Same as point plus
Illegal Techniques
- No scoring and dropping to the floor
- No scoring and stepping out of the area (Additional time may also be added between 10 and 20 seconds)
- No scoring to the top of the head
- No scoring to the back
- No strikes to the neck or shoulders
- No strikes to joints or below the belt
- No grabbing.
- No dropping, time wasting or refusing to fight deliberately (Additional time may also be added between 10 and 20 seconds)
- No elbow strikes, hammerfist and spinning backfists.
- No excessive contact (as deemed by referee on the appropriate area)
Light Continuous Equipment
Closed fringed weighted gloves (6oz- 14oz weight appropriate)
(suggested guild 25kg – 40kg 6oz,- 8oz, 45kg – 60kg 10oz – 12oz, 65kg- 80kg 12oz, 85kg plus 14oz)
Full covered solid head guard
Shin pads / Shin and Instep (must cover the complete foot and heal)
Boots (must cover the complete foot and heal)
Gum shield
Groin guard (optional for girls only)
Chest protector (optional)
All equipment well-fitting and in good condition)
All will be split into age and Beginners under 12 months / Intermediate 1 – 3 years / Advanced 3 years plus
(Excluding any time in pre school that does not include sparring or sparring drills and under 5 years of age)
All categories must have at least 3 competitors in or it may be merged with the next category above. Also if any of the categories are larger than expected they may be spilt into two or more additional categories. All categories merging are at the discretion of the organiser. (These will be split into male and female and closest height / weight were possible)
Warnings for all sections
An official warning will be issued for:
- Anything un-sportsman like
- Refusing to fight
- Arguing with any of the officials
- Illegal techniques
- Talking on the fighting area
- Not wearing the correct uniform
- Exiting the area (Additional time may also be added between 10 and 20 seconds)
- If you are disqualified from any category due to injury you may not continue in any other categories for the remainder of that day.
- No coaching whilst injured or whilst your opponent is injured.
All of these are at the discretion of the referee on the appropriate area and can only be overruled by the chief referee. Any other queries must be taken up with the organisers of these events.
Respect must be show to all officials and other competitors at all time.
Open weight 3ft trophy section
A Minimum 3 People needed in each section for them to run (and 5 or more for cash prize)
Grand Championship (Only for Kata’s and Semi contact points sparring)
You must attend all three events from the series to be awarded with the Grand Championship for your category.
School Grand Championship
The School / Club with the most overall points and the end of the series will be awarded the School / Club Grand Championship Trophy. The School / Club must attend three events from the series to be awarded the School / Club Grand Championship
All categories must have at least 3 competitors in or it may be merged with the next nearest category. Also if any of the categories are larger than expected they may be spilt into two or more additional categories. All categories merging are at the discretion of the organiser.
(These will be split into male and female and closest height / weight were possible)
Kata Rules 2023
- Competitors MUST be in uniform or Gi to be able to compete. If the competitor doesn’t have a uniform or Gi then they will be disqualified.
- In all Kata sections there MUST be NO jewellery on when performing. If a competitor has got jewellery on they will be marked down.
Creative forms
- There will be two sections for weapons and non-weapons creative forms these will be Musical and non-Musical forms. These sections will need a minimum of 3 people in there, if there is any less they will be merged as one section. The Judges will make you aware of this before the section starts.
Creative Non-musical Forms
- Non-musical Forms will be a creative Form without music. Competitors must show their power, control, speed and balance with their martial arts techniques.
- This is a form that the competitor creates with a range of martial arts techniques of their choosing.
- If a competitor does sections of a form or pattern from a traditional back aground they will lose marks.
- You are allowed a maximum of 5 gymnastic moves e.g. Cartwheel, hand springs, backflip etc.
Creative Musical Forms
- Musical Forms must have music to perform with. Competitors must show their power, control, balance and timing with their martial arts techniques.
- The Judges will be look for the Timing of your form with the music. If the competitor is out of time with the music the competitor will lose marks.
- You are allowed a maximum of 5 Gymnastic moves.
Weapons Creative Non – musical form
- Non- Musical weapon forms must be without music and with a weapon.
- The competitor’s weapon must be in good condition, no DIY work e.g. Tapped together, chips, etc.
- If a competitor drops the weapon this will lose you marks per drop of the weapon. The competitor may place the weapon down e.g. stabbing down to the floor with a sword.
- The competitor can do gymnastic moves with the weapon and can do a maximum of 5 moves in the form.
Weapons Creative Musical Forms
- Musical weapons forms must be a form with music and a weapon.
- The competitor’s weapon must be in good condition, no DIY work e.g. Tapped together, chips, etc.
- If a competitor drops the weapon this will lose you marks per drop of the weapon. The competitor may place the weapon down e.g. stabbing down to the floor with a sword.
- The competitor needs to show timing with the music when using the weapon. If a competitor is out of time of the music they will lose marks
- The competitor can do gymnastic moves with the weapon and can do a maximum of 5 moves in the form.
All creative and weapon creative forms, must be no shorter than 1 minute and no longer than 2 minutes (this does not include any intro / walk in music that must also be no longer than 30 seconds)
Traditional Forms
- Traditional from section is an open section all styles will be competing in. The competitors will be mark one their style.
- Competitors will be marks on their techniques, balance, speed, power, stances.
- The competitors must wear the traditional wear relevant to the style they are performing in. if the competitor is wearing incorrect traditional wear they will be marked down.
Please be mindful of changing uniforms during sections as this will hold up running of event. (Please keep to maximum of 3 uniforms only)
All contestants must present themselves suitably attired and ready to compete. The competitor shall wear a uniform that in his/her opinion best represents the style or form he/she is to perform.
The Martial Artist must show that they are the Master of their body and its movements and that they can complete their routine with control, ease, style and exactness. With this in mind, the Officials must first look for good posture, continuity, crispness of movement, and proper technique.
Judges shall use a decimal point system for scores (e.g. 6.5).
No music is permitted for all Traditional Kata’s.
All categories must have at least 3 competitors in or it may be merged with the next nearest category. Also if any of the categories are larger than expected they may be spilt into two or more additional categories. All categories merging are at the discretion of the organiser. (These will be split into male and female and closest height / weight were possible)